Pricing and Payment:
Monthly scheduled lessons:55 minute lesson - $85/voice & acting, 65/piano & theory
25 minute lesson - $45/voice & acting, 35/piano & theory
Payments Due monthly, in advance.
Occasional single lessons, as available:
55 minute lesson - $90/voice
First consultation meeting - no charge
Student Responsibilities:
Lessons will be scheduled and paid for at the beginning of each month. We will expect you at every scheduled lesson.
Lessons will begin and end on time – if you are late, we will still end on time.
Lessons may be rescheduled and made up with twenty-four hours notice. Lessons missed without prior notice will not be refunded.
Lessons missed by us will be made up or credited to the next month.
Preparation, attendance and a positive attitude are the keys to success in studying music. Remember – you are here to do something you enjoy. The harder you work, the better you get, and the more you enjoy your study.
Repertoire will be assigned according to students’ ability and interests, chosen from Classical and Broadway. Other repertoire requested by students will be considered.
Each student should commit to at least THIRTY MINUTES OF PRACTICE, five days a week. This time will include vocalises and warm ups as learned during lessons.
For each lesson, bring a binder with your music, and pencils to take notes.
You are encouraged to record your lesson to refer to during practice
Teacher Responsibilities:.
We encourage open dialogue with students and parents about all aspects of your study. Please feel free to contact us with questions, comments or concerns.
We do my best to get free or discounted tickets to our own performances, and to other performances around the area, to share with students.
We love music. We love doing it, teaching it, hearing it, watching it, learning about it. We hope to spread that love your way.
Helpful links
Free Sheet Music:
Local Stores:
Online Stores:
Song info: (Arias plus lots of background info) (Song translations, texts, composer and poet info)